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Isotopes of Gadolinium
Notable Isotopes show graph
152Gd [88 neutrons]
Abundance: 0.20%
Half life: 1.08 x 1014 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 2.205 MeV
Decays to 148Sm.
Gadolinium-153 emits gamma radiation (with strong peaks at 41keV and 102keV). It is used as a gamma ray source in x-ray absorptiometry or bone density gauges for osteoporosis screening, and in the Lixiscope portable x-ray imaging system.
154Gd [90 neutrons]
Abundance: 2.18%
Stable with 90 neutrons
155Gd [91 neutrons]
Abundance: 14.80%
Stable with 91 neutrons
156Gd [92 neutrons]
Abundance: 20.47%
Stable with 92 neutrons
157Gd [93 neutrons]
Abundance: 15.65%
Stable with 93 neutrons
158Gd [94 neutrons]
Abundance: 24.84%
Stable with 94 neutrons
160Gd [96 neutrons]
Abundance: 21.86%
Half life: 1.3 x 1021 years [ Double beta decay ]
Decay Energy: 1.7 MeV
Decays to 160Dy.